This directory contains 0.5% of random samples of dark matter particles from the snapshots of the BigMD box (2.5Gpc/h) with 3840^3 particles. The redshift_list.txt file lists the relation between snapshot number and redshift. The files are compressed with bzip2. Once they are uncompressed, the format is very simple, just plain ascii with 6 columns with the particle positions X Y Z in Mpc/h and the peculiar velocity components VX VY VZ in km/s. Due to the large size of the files, it is recommended to use pbzip2, the parallel bzip2 compression tool to uncompress the files. Details about the cosmology can be found in the table If you use the simulation for a publication please cite Klypin A., Yepes G., Gottl{\"o}ber S., Prada F., He{\ss} S., 2016, MNRAS, 457, 4340 and add the following Credits: The BigMDPL simulation has been performed at LRZ Munich within the PRACE project pr86bu. The CosmoSim database ( providing the file access is a service by the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP).